Jack Franklin

An introduction to Gulp

Gulp has been doing the rounds recently online through Twitter as an alternative to Grunt in the JS build tooling space. Whilst I am a huge fan of Grunt, looking at other options never hurts, so I thought a quick introduction to Gulp might be fun to do.

Gulp works with Node streams. Whereas Gruntfiles can often become very difficult to maintain and large, Gulp tries to avoid too much configuration and keep things simple. The base idea is that you glob for some files, and pipe them through a plugin, changing the output in some way or another. If you need a refresher on streams, the Streams handbook is the best place to go.

You install Gulp just like you'd expect, through npm:

$ npm install -g gulp

Much like Grunt looks for a Gruntfile, Gulp will look for a file called Gulpfile.js. You'll also need to install Gulp locally in the project too:

$ npm install --save-dev gulp

Gulp comes with a very minimal set of tools, and everything else comes in the form of plugins. We're going to use the JSHint plugin, so let's install that too:

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-jshint

Now we're ready to write our Gulpfile.js. It starts off by requiring gulp and jshint:

var gulp = require("gulp"); var jshint = require("gulp-jshint");

Whereas with Grunt we have to call initConfig, passing in a huge object full of configuration, in Gulp we define tasks by calling gulp.task. This takes two arguments, the name of a task, and a function which will be run when you call that task. In the case of Grunt, most plugins will define a task for you (For example, the Grunt JSHint plugin defines the grunt jshint task for you), but in gulp plugins just provide methods to hook into. The tasks are all defined by you.

Let's look at an example of a task. Here I've written a "lint" task that will run JSHint against all files in the root of the src/ directory:

gulp.task("lint", function() { gulp.src("./src/*.js") .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter("default")); });

Firstly, gulp.src will return a representation of files that match the glob, that can be piped directly into plugins. Hence, we can take all those files and pipe them directly into jshint(), which is the function made available by the gulp-jshint plugin. This runs each file one by one through JSHint, and we then pipe the result of that through to the JSHint reporter, which is responsible for showing us the results.

We can now run gulp lint to see the result of this:

git/jsplayground/gulp-intro gulp lint [gulp] Using file /Users/jackfranklin/git/jsplayground/gulp-intro/Gulpfile.js [gulp] Working directory changed to /Users/jackfranklin/git/jsplayground/gulp-intro [gulp] Running 'lint'... [gulp] Finished 'lint' in 0.004 seconds

And if I make a file break a JSHint rule (such as missing a semi-colon), I'll see this:

[gulp] Using file /Users/jackfranklin/git/jsplayground/gulp-intro/Gulpfile.js [gulp] Working directory changed to /Users/jackfranklin/git/jsplayground/gulp-intro [gulp] Running 'lint'... [gulp] Finished 'lint' in 0.006 seconds ./src/one.js: line 1, col 29, Missing semicolon.

1 error

Gulp also has a default task, which will run when you run just gulp on your command line:

gulp.task("default", ["lint"]);

Here I set up the default task to just run our "lint" task.

We can also add a watch task that will automatically run specific tasks when specific files change:

gulp.task('watch', function() { gulp.watch("src/*.js", ["lint"]); });

Now you can run gulp watch in your command line, and the lint task will run whenever a JS file within the src directory changes.

Now, the big question here is which is best, Gulp or Grunt? The answer, as always, is that it depends. I think it's good for more than one tool to occupy this space, for a while it was only Grunt, but now for there to be more than one tool to choose between is good. As for which is superior, that very much depends, not only on the project but also on your personal preference. A lot of people have been drawn to Gulp due to the fact that it feels more like just writing JavaScript, whereas Grunt takes the approach of configuration over code, and nearly all code written in a Gruntfile is settings for plugins. If you've not tried either, I advise you to try out both before making a decision, and I'm also excited to see how they develop over time.