Jack Franklin

Things I was wrong about when I started programming

When I got my first job after university I was ready to get stuck in. Through university and side projects I'd done a good amount of programming and thought that I was more than ready for my full time career to start. Recently I've been looking back and thinking that I definitely had some misconceptions, weird approaches and inefficient ways of working. These are all things I wish I could go back and tell myself - it would have saved a bunch of time having to learn them the hard way!

I was inspired by a post on a similar subject by Monica Lent and thought it would be a good idea to write these down to share them with you all.

Although these are things I ended up changing my opinion on, I'm still happy that I made these mistakes. The best way for me to learn is to see one strategy fail, reflect on why, and do it differently next time. If you're starting out, don't be afraid of making mistakes. They are a great way to learn and improve.

1: Less code is not always better

When I started coding I had some hard rules about what constituted "good" code. One of those rules was conciseness: if I could fit the same functionality into fewer lines, that was an improvement. I've drastically changed my mind on this, partly because I'd find myself revisiting code I wrote six months prior that turned out to be a nightmare to understand.

Typically I find code that's been squashed up is more complex, uses tricks that aren't common knowledge, and is also very hard to change. Given that most of a developer's job is changing code, this matters. I am now very eager to extend a function's body by a line or two if I can introduce more clarity to the code to help me and my teammates understand it.

2: Work smarter, not harder

I worked way too many hours in my first job. This wasn't the fault of the company, it was solely my choice. I would work long into the night determined to get that ticket finished before I went home. I then realised (and had feedback from my manager) that I wasn't working smart; I was trying to take on a lot at once, and ended up trying to do too many things and not focusing on any of them fully. This would lead to all of them taking way longer than anticipated.

Once I was aware of this I was able to focus on doing fewer things well and efficiently. I worked hard to get better at focusing in and being productive during work hours so I got things done. I reduced my hours in the office by a lot but actually increased my output at the same time!

3: Some technical debt is OK

I came out of university thinking that only bad developers could create technical debt. That in the real world all companies with good developers had this beautiful codebase full of code that's easy to understand and follow. How wrong I was! At first I was intolerant of technical debt before learning that every developer will be responsible for some during their career and that it's an inevitable part of being an engineer.

I would come across "bad" code and immediately want to fix it or rewrite it. I lost many hours doing just that. What I wasn't good at is judging the impact of technical debt. Tech debt that's isolated to part of the codebase that doesn't get touched much is fine, and you should just leave it there. Bad code isn't bad code because it's written badly; it's bad code if it slows you down, causes bugs for users, or constantly breaks. That's the code you need to fix.

4: Bad code isn't always the original developer's fault

This point is related to the one above; I would encounter bad code and my immediate thought would be to lay the blame on the developer(s) who wrote it. But this isn't fair; although when you come across bad code, it's easy to git blame and hunt down the "culprit", it doesn't take into account the context in which the code was written. Sure, that code might be bad, but:

5: Working is better than perfect

Due to the aforementioned misconceptions of technical debt and how it exists in a codebase, I was always worried about introducing it myself. So when asked to build a new feature I'd spend far too long trying to build the perfect solution. This is incredibly inefficient - when trying to solve a problem you are constantly learning more about the problem as you solve it - so the first attempt is nearly always not going to hit the mark. It's far better to get something functional in place - and cover it with tests - before refactoring and working towards a better solution.

It's also important to realise that the perfect solution does not exist. Any solution will have pros and cons and the challenge we have as developers is deciding on the best solution for the task at hand.

6: Software development is all about tradeoffs

I used to think that the best solution to a problem would have no problems. That for every ticket or piece of work I was asked to do, I could solve it in a way that had no negatives. Now I'm a bit older (and maybe a tiny bit wiser) I've realised that there is no such thing as the perfect solution. The job of a developer is to know what tradeoffs to make, because there are always going to be tradeoffs. The best developers make the right tradeoffs that solve the problems at hand and don't cause issues further down the line. But they can only make those tradeoffs and foresee problems because they've made the wrong choice many times. So don't fret if you've made a refactoring that you thought was great, but ended up causing problems, or implemented a bug fix which caused your colleague hours of grief down the road. We all have! The single most important skill for a developer in my opinion is to be humble, willing to admit that you made a mistake, but be eager to understand why your choice was wrong, how you could have realised that sooner, and learn from it. If you do that you'll be in a very good place.